Thursday, 3 November 2011

Second week - Out and About

Monday to Wednesday this week has been hotter than ever, neccessitating the organisation here purchasing an air conditioning unit – result!

On Wednesday I visited the Matuta Memorial Project in Kafue, about 20km outside of Lusaka. This community of 90 households had been removed from their original land by the local authority and placed on land next to the main road heading into Lusaka. They were allocated 27.8 hectres but received no infrastructure support even though the local authority is legally obliged to provide it as they relocated them. As a result they have no sanitation, drinking water is drawn from two hand dug wells that are not only dangerous but the water is appalling, and all washing is done in a nearby stream that in the dry season (i.e. now) is just semi-stagnent pools.

This is issue is typical of what I am seeing here. Because they do not have any title to the land either as owners or leaseholders they cant get any help. Sorting out land acquisition for communities is key. The people there were great. I was met with a welcome dance and song, introduced to the Head Man and village elders, and then the children. This was followed by a tour of the community and lots of discussion on the problems being faced. Hope to load pictures soon but the internet connection here isnt great.

Wednesday night saw what we all thought was the start of the rainy season with a massive thunder storm that caused flooding in some parts of Lusaka. Proved to be a false start with Thursday and now Friday morning so far being clear blue skies. The rain certainly  cleared the air though making it much more bearable. What it did show again was the huge problems they are going to face here when the rains come for real.

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