Sunday, 20 November 2011

A little on local wildlife

Sitting here in the garden of the lodge where I am staying I thought I would just say a little on the wildlfe around here. I’ll skip over the rather large cockroaches!

As you would expect there is an abundance of bird life. It is strange in mid-November to see swallows flying around but there are loads! Each morning a flock of parakeets  fly over  and one of the bushes here is a favourite for humming birds – unbelievably small. The same bush contains quite a number of nests as in the photo. I thought these were the humming birds’ nests but this morning saw what looks like a large Goldfinch repairing one by threading a bamboo leaf in and out. There are also greenfinches, some small black very fast birds and larger ones around the size of starlings with  black cap/tufts on the tops of their heads. And the occassional parrot in one of the trees making as much noise as it can.

There are a huge number of dragonflies of every colour and the butterflies are magnificant. Very large and colourful but too quick to get photos of. The lizards are all over the place and again very quick! With the rains the amount of flowers has already increased and with them the insects, and so hopefully over next couple of weeks should see even more birds in particular.

On the way back from Kafue did see a small herd of Zebra and if I can fit in hope to get out to the Lower Zambezi reserve for a couple of days to get to see some of the lager game.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave,

    We're missing you here, 2 tonnes from St. Mellons last Friday morning.

    Hopefully you can take some good wildlife pics before you come back.
